Grand Prize


Ms. Yoko Yamano

Comment from the Award Winner

Thank you very much for the Grand Prize, which is a great honor for me. I am very surprised. Ever since I was a little girl, my mother used to cook by using Miwa Somen for me and I loved it so much. Now that I am a mother, I am the one who makes it for my daughter. This photo is a snapshot of my daily life where I was able to capture the happy smile of my daughter who loves somen.

A word from the judges.

・The scene of her daughter vigorously eating the somen noodles is very lovely. It makes me think that her daughter must indeed love somen, and I strongly feel the love she has for her daughter.

・First of all, I could directly feel how they were enjoying eating the somen. I chose this one because I could imagine the photographer having fun and enjoying the shooting scene with the girl.I thought the goodness of the moment was well-captured in this single shot.

・You can clearly see that she is enjoying eating the somen noodles. You can tell that the person in the child's line of sight is laughing together with her. This photo makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

Runner-Up Grand Prize


Ms. Erika Goto

Comments from the award winners

I was very surprised to be selected as the runner-up. I had seen the high-level quality of photo entries on your website, and I didn’t expect it would be us! We are honored. Thank you so much!I would like to continue to serve delicious Miwa Somen to my daughters. Thank you very much for this opportunity.

A word from the judges.

・This feels nostalgic, yet properly current. It is very good because it gives a glimpse of a mindset that has been passed down from the old days.

・The sisters sipping somen noodles on the porch was very nostalgic and told a story. The photo itself is beautiful and made me wish I could go back to the countryside and eat somen noodles on the porch, so I chose this one.

・In addition to the expression of the sisters happily eating together, the beauty of the photo was wonderful. I also liked the care taken to properly capture the Miwa Somen package on the edge of the screen.

Judge's Special Prize


Ms. Harumi Mori

Comment from the Award Winner

I am very happy to have received this award from among all the wonderful photos entered in the contest. Somen is convenient when you are busy because it cooks quickly, and I would like to continue eating it in many different arrangements. Thank you very much for your time.

A word from the judges.

・The atmosphere is good. The photo is top quality. It is just a good picture that evokes not only summer but also good times.

・The atmosphere of the photo evoked a coolness, and it smelled of summer. The cucumber enhances the somen and the feeling of summer, and I think it is a very beautiful photo.

・I love how you captured the somen itself in a cool and unadorned way. I can imagine that you pay a lot of attention to dishes and the tableware.


Send us your photos using Miwa Somen for a chance to win cash prizes! Please submit your photos using Miwa Somen by March 15, 2021. Three works will be selected from among the entries. One grand prize winner will receive a cash prize of 100,000 yen, one runner-up will receive a cash prize of 50,000 yen, and one judge's special prize winner will receive 30,000 yen.

Application Period

February 5, 2021 (Friday) - March 15, 2021 (Monday)

Prize Money

Grand Prize 100,000 yen
Runner-Up Grand Prize 50,000 yen
Judges Special Prize 30,000 yen

Application Rules

(About the application process) ・Each entrant may submit only one photograph. ・Please fill out the required information in the submission form at the bottom of this website and attach the photo data to your entry. ・Data must be within 2MB to be accepted. Some data sizes can be converted using applications, etc. However, if you have any difficulty in changing the data size, please contact us using the contact form. ・Please post the submitted photos on social networking sites such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook with the hashtag "#Miwa Somen Photo Contest". Like us! or share it. (If you are not on any SNS, we would appreciate it if you could ask someone close to you to participate with you.)


Entry Requirements Photographs must have been shot within up to 3 years prior to the date of entry
Application Deadline Monday, March 15, 2021
Screening of Entries All entries will be selected through a strict screening process. Please note that we will not respond to any inquiries regarding the screening process.
Publication of Entries Photos will be uploaded to the website. Winners will also be notified in advance.
Handling of Entries We will handle all entries with the utmost care and responsibility from receipt to selection and publication. However, we will not compensate for any lost or damaged entries. Please be aware that we will not be returning the submitted works after the selection.
Use of Submitted Works (1) Please be aware that by submitting your work, you are agreeing to allow us to use it on this website free of charge. (2) We may process your work for publication on our website due to editorial restrictions or considerations (e.g., differences in color or size, blurring or cropping of people or objects in the background or parts of the work that cannot be published, etc.).
Note on portrait rights and copyrights The copyrights to the submitted works shall belong to the entrant (photographer). Entrants are required to obtain prior permission and approval from the relevant right holders before submitting any work that includes the portrait, privacy, or copyrighted work of a third party for entry in this contest or for use by our company. Entrants shall be responsible for any and all matters arising out of any infringement or potential infringement of portrait rights, copyrights, publicity rights, or other rights of third parties by their submitted works, at their own expense, and we will not be involved in any way in such matters. If we are unable to contact the entrant, the entry or award will be voided. This site will not be liable for any damages incurred by the entrant or any third party as a result of the use of the submitted work. Please note that the website (including the list of entries page) may take some time to post entries that include temples and shrines, or in some cases may not be able to post these entries.
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